Which Is Better: Professional Tooth Whitening or Tooth Whitening Kits?

Having white teeth can boost your confidence in your appearance and your smile. While maintaining good oral hygiene can help you keep your teeth white, getting your teeth whitened can eliminate existing stains and make your teeth several shades whiter in a short period.

If you’re considering teeth whitening in the Houston area, you’ll have your choice between getting your teeth professionally whitened or getting your teeth whitened from an at-home kit. Making a decision can be tough. Here’s what to know.

Benefits of Professional Tooth Whitening

Professional tooth whitening is one of the most effective ways to get your teeth whitened. Tooth whitening with the dentist is more effective, so you can enjoy greater benefits overall.

  • Greater confidence in your smile. Having confidence in your smile can lead you to smile more. This can then lead to easier interpersonal and professional relationships and improved self-confidence.
  • Removal of difficult stains. Some people spend years trying to get rid of stains on their teeth. Sometimes brushing and maintaining good oral hygiene isn’t enough. If your teeth have become stained, tooth whitening may be the solution.
  • Your teeth look years younger. When you were young, your teeth were white and beautiful. As adults, our teeth age and may become yellow, brown or gray. By getting your teeth professionally whitened, you may enjoy beautiful white teeth again, like they were when you were young.

Tooth Whitening Kits

Tooth whitening kits aren’t as effective or long-lasting and professional tooth whitening, but they do cost less and are easily available in pharmacies. If you’re on a budget and would like to enjoy a temporary reprieve from yellowed or brown teeth, a tooth whitening kit may be for you.

Which Is Right For You?

If you’re serious about getting your teeth whitened, contact a dentist in the Houston area. Your dentist can help you enjoy white teeth that are shades brighter than your teeth are currently. Call Chloe Dental today.

Pros and Cons of Same Day Dental Crowns

If you’ve been thinking about getting a dental crown in Katy, TX, you might have heard about same day dental crowns. But what are their advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of Same Day Dental Crowns

With the use of modern computerized technology, same-day dental crowns can be created in a matter of hours. A digital scanner creates a digital impression. This impression is then input into a computer program, which then carves out a custom ceramic crown. In less than two hours, your tooth can be fully restored and functional, and the entire process takes just one appointment.

When compared to traditional dental crowns, same-day crowns are more comfortable and convenient. They are also easier to fit and more natural-looking. This is because same-day crowns are crafted from precise CAD/CAM technology, which allows dentists to design and build your new restoration in a single visit. And thanks to digital impressions, the entire process is much faster and more comfortable than traditional methods.

Disadvantages of Same Day Dental Crowns

Although the advantages of same-day dental crowns outweigh the disadvantages, there are also some potential problems associated with the procedure. These problems can include possible recurrence of tooth decay, which may have been avoided with a traditional dental crown. Same day dental crowns may not provide a perfect fit. They may also require more time to be custom-colored.

Another disadvantage is that they do not last as long as traditional crowns, making them more susceptible to wear and tear and less durable than traditional dental crowns.

You and your dentist in Katy, TX will need to talk about your best solution. Same day dental crowns are perfect for some patients, but not all. Contact us today to book an appointment to discuss dental crowns.

Does Your Child Need to See An Orthodontist? 4 Signs

Does your child need to see an orthodontist? Would you know if they did? Many parents are unaware of the signs that their child needs orthodontic treatment. Knowing what to look for can help you decide when it’s time to bring your child to the dentist in Katy and Houston.

By getting your child treatment early, you can avoid some of the long-term problems that can occur when your child has crooked teeth and other orthodontic problems. Here’s what to watch for.

1. Misalignment of the Jaw

Misalignment of the jaw is a problem that isn’t always noticeable to parents, but other times this problem is very obvious. For example, if your child’s lower jaw sticks out beyond the upper row of teeth, this is a sign that the jaw is misaligned. Orthodontic treatment may be able to help.

2. Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth occur when there are too many teeth in too small of a space. Crowded teeth are a problem in a variety of ways, because they’re hard to clean and can make chewing difficult. You’ll be able to tell your child’s teeth are crowded by the way they bunch up together, instead of lining the jaw in a straight row.

3. Lisp

Sometimes orthodontic problems can cause a lisp, making speaking difficult. If your child has trouble pronouncing certain letters, this could be because of the shape of their mouth and alignment of their teeth.

4. Jaw Pain

Poorly aligned teeth can lead to jaw pain. If your child complains about jaw pain, pay attention!

Think your child may need orthodontic treatment like braces in Katy and Houston? Contact Chloe Dental today to make an appointment and have your child seen by a professional.

Will My Dental Implants Be the Same Color As My Teeth?

If you’re thinking about getting dental implants, then it’s only natural that you would wonder if they’ll look like your natural teeth! Implants are one of the most realistic types of prosthetic teeth available. In fact, they’re designed to be indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Before you go to your dentist in Katy and Houston TX to discuss dental implants, it helps to know how implants come to look so natural in your mouth. Here’s what you need to know.

Dental Implants Are Made for You

Your dental implants will be made to look like they belong to you. To make implants, your dentist will start by making an impression of your teeth, so your implant will fit perfectly in the space where it will be fitted. Once the impression is made, it will be sent to a lab, where the lab will design a tooth that looks like it fits perfectly in your mouth.

Your Dentist Will Match Your Implant to the Color Of Your Teeth

Before you get implants in Katy and Houston TX, your dentist will also match the color of the implant to your natural teeth. This way, the implant will not stand out or stand apart from your other teeth. It will look exactly the same as all the other teeth in your mouth.

Tooth Whitening Won’t Work for Implants

It’s important to know that tooth whitening won’t work for your dental implants. If you decide to whiten your natural teeth, your implant will remain its same color, and your teeth will be whiter than your implant. If you want whitening, get it before installing your implant!

Contact Chloe Dental for Implants

For more information about getting implants, contact your dental professional at Chloe Dental today.

How Does 3D Dental Printing Work?

3D printing isn’t brand-new by any stretch, but all the same, you might not have heard very much about it in the dental industry. The practice is meant to revolutionize dental labs forever, even if some of the staff are still hesitant to try it.

If you’re looking for a dentist in Katy, TX who utilizes all the latest technology to both improve services and lower costs for patients, see how 3D printing works at Chloe Dental.

3D Dental Capabilities

There are a lot of potential ways to use 3D printing in Houston, TX:

  • New teeth: Any tooth that needs to be replaced can count on 3D printing as a solution. In this case, the dentist will scan the patient’s mouth, take a 3D image, and then use that image to create a design for an artificial tooth before it’s placed in the mouth.
  • Braces/Invisalign: A pre-3D printer can be used to scan the teeth before designing the appliance. Once the device has been calibrated to the patient’s mouth, it can be printed out without delay.
  • Crowns, bridges, caps, dentures, etc.: This process allows dental technicians to print off nearly any object in any material. Similar to how an implant would be constructed, this is precision printing at its best.

Find 3D Dental Printing in Katy or Houston, TX

3D printing is becoming more and more popular largely because it lowers the fees for dental work without compromising the quality of the procedure. With this option, dentists can streamline their services and pass the cost savings down to their patients.

If you want to learn more about whether you can use 3D printing to improve your smile, contact Chloe Dental for more information. With locations in both Katy and Houston, we’re here to use the best technology in the smartest possible ways.

3 Fast Facts About Periodontal Disease

How much do you know about gum disease? It is not uncommon for patients seeking laser gum treatment in Houston to be surprised to learn they have gum disease. The fact is, the condition is far more prevalent than most people know. Take a look at some fast facts about periodontal disease.

Young and old, everyone is at risk

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of adults over the age of 30 have some minimal level of gum disease. While the condition is more likely in adults, and age increases the risk, even children can develop gum disease if they do not get the proper dental care.

Plaque is the leading cause of gum disease

Plaque is the film of sticky residue that develops on your teeth. When you brush, floss, and use mouthwash, your aim is to which away this accumulation of debris. However, if you are not brushing properly, not flossing regularly, and not getting regular cleanings, plaque can harden into tartar. This traps the disease-causing bacteria on the teeth and around the gum line, which heightens your risks of gum disease.

Periodontal disease can lead to bone deterioration in your jaws

Even though gum disease is often thought of as an issue that only affects the soft tissues of your mouth, the problem can be far more widespread. Some research has indicated that unattended gum disease may actually lead to atrophy of the jawbones. This may occur if the condition is allowed to go untreated for a long time.

Work with Houston Dentist for Advice on Protecting Your Gums

Have you kept a close eye on the health of your gum tissue? If not, a Houston, TX dentist can help. Reach out to us at Chloe Dental to schedule an appointment.

Will My Dental Implant Look Like a Natural Tooth?

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective dental prosthetics available. One of the things that makes dental implants so successful is that they look and function like natural teeth. If you’re considering dental implants for yourself, it’s important to know just how natural your implants will look and feel. If you’re considering implants in Katy or Houston TX, here’s what you need to know.

Your Dentist Will Match the Color

There are many steps to getting a dental implant. One of the steps that your dentist will take involves color matching. Your dental professional will match the color of your teeth to the new implant. This way, your implant will be indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Implants Look and Function Like Natural Teeth

Your dentist will also make an impression of your existing teeth, so the lab will be able to create a tooth that fits perfectly in the existing hole. Dental labs have gotten very good at creating teeth that look just like real teeth! The impression will help with this.

Ultimately, your new dental implant will look just like a natural tooth. It will also perform like a natural tooth, which means that it should be able to chew the foods you love. It will also need to be cleaned just like a natural tooth. Once the implant is in your mouth, you’ll need to clean it twice daily and floss it, just like a natural tooth. You’ll want to stay away from abrasive toothpastes, to avoid scratching the surface of your implant.

Your dentist in Katy or Houston TX can talk to you more about how to take care of your implant, to keep it looking just like your other teeth for years to come.

Smile! A Look at the Psychological Advantages of Smiling

People seek cosmetic dentistry in Houston, TX for so many reasons. Whether they have a small imperfection or want an entirely new look, most of those reasons have something to do with physical appearance. However, a nice smile can also be good for your psychological health. Check out a few benefits of smiling for your mental health.

Fight Stress

Did you know that smiling may help you feel less stressed? Even better, smiling may make the people around you feel less stressed. Studies have shown that even faking a smile when you don’t necessarily feel like smiling may decrease stress.

Deter Gloom

Smiling gives neural communications a boost, which basically means if you smile, you can trick your mind into feeling more content and less gloomy. Smiling may actually release dopamine and serotonin, both of which are known as “feel good” chemicals produced by the body.

Relieve Physical Discomfort

That same natural endorphin, serotonin, that helps you feel happy can also be an effective pain-reliever. Serotonin has been studied extensively because it has this amazing ability to relax the physical body and make bodily discomfort much more bearable. So, even if you are having a bad day and in a little pain, sharing your smile with the rest of the world may actually make you feel better.

Talk to a Houston, TX Dentist to Achieve Your Best Smile

The happier you are with your smile, the happier you will be to share it. And, science shows that when you smile a lot, you may reap all kinds of advantages. Ready to smile more? A dentist in Houston, TX at Chloe Dental can help. Reach out to us today to find out about the cosmetic treatments we offer, like whitening, veneers, crowns, and dental implants.

A Look at How 3D Technology Makes Orthodontist Care More Efficient

Teeth and jaw irregularities are some of the most common reasons patients need braces in Houston, TX. These issues affect the way your teeth are positioned in your mouth and the alignment of your smile, but the process of getting braces is not anything like it was many years ago.

Thanks to new dental technology, specifically three-dimensional technology, the process of smile alignment is far more efficient and effective. Check out some of the ways that 3D technology makes orthodontic treatment more efficient.

3D Smile Scans Offer a Digital Map of Your Smile

Most patients are well-accustomed to x-rays, which do give a comprehensive look at the structures that make up your smile. However, 3D smile scans take the x-ray exam to a new level. Every dimension of your teeth, gums, and supporting bone structure can be examined.

When you are getting braces, the better the orthodontist knows the structures that make your smile look how it does, the more equipped they will be to create a plan to correct issues. This means when braces are created and installed, they will be more suited for encouraging the shifts that need to take place.

3D Printing Means Faster Access to Fixtures

Technology with 3D software and special equipment makes it possible to create fixtures right in the office. For example, if you are working with an orthodontist for smile alignment and opt for braces without braces (clear aligners), those aligners can be printed right in the office. You can have your smile mapped for treatment and the aligners printed and ready for pickup in a matter of days.

Find Efficient Dental Care in Houston, TX

Do you need help with smile alignment, or are you considering braces? Find a Houston, TX dentist that makes use of some of the latest in dental technology to ensure the process is as efficient as possible. Reach out to us at Chloe Dental to find out how we can help.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Explained

If you have multiple teeth that are missing or too damaged for repair, All-on-4 dental implants may be a sound solution. All-on-4 is a patented dental procedure that implants four posts in your upper gums or 4 posts in your lower gums, or both, to hold full sets of prosthetic teeth.

The biggest benefit of All-on-4 dental implants is the improvement they make on your smile. But they function much better than damaged teeth, too, and they’re typically a more economical choice for patients who have multiple damaged or missing teeth. Your dentist in Katy, TX, can tell you more about this revolutionary procedure.

More About All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are similar to dentures in that they replace complete sets of upper or lower teeth. This is where the similarity ends, however. All-on-4 implants are permanent and don’t have to be removed for brushing, flossing, eating, or sleeping. They’re held in place by metal or titanium posts that have been allowed to bond with your jawbone, so no dental adhesive is needed, and they won’t slide around in your mouth. Better, you can have temporary prosthetics in a day while you wait for your permanent set to be fabricated.

About the All-on-4 Dental Procedure

Before beginning the All-on-4 dental procedure, your dentist will schedule a consultation. They’ll examine your mouth, perform diagnostic tests, and remove damaged teeth and infection. Once your mouth is completely healed, they’ll implant the posts and place your temporary set of teeth.

All-on-4 dental implants are safe, attractive alternatives to damaged and missing teeth. You’ll have more confidence, and your new smile will be dazzling and brilliant. Your new teeth will function just like natural teeth, and they’ll look natural, too. Talk to Chloe Dental today about All-on-4 dental implants in Katy, TX.